"Dub" Traeger of T-H Customs is the go to guy for vintage HI-FI and automotive radio in central Texas. A life long lover of great sounding vintage HI-FI, Dub will return your vintage equipment to its original and often better than original performance. There's nothing like the sound of great sounding vintage HI-FI gear and Dub's the guy to get that vintage piece sounding as good as possible.

Specializing in

Vintage HI-FI's and Stereo Consoles

Antique Car Vacuum Tube Radios (30'sthrough 50's US autos)

Vintage Tube Radios


Casper Traeger.  Graduated UT at Austin with BS in School of Communications. Obtained FFC First Class License and also Certified CET in consumer electronics. Became electronics instructor at Southwest School of Electronics in Austin. Returned to vintage electronics service over 10 years ago.